甲天下(BICS) v1.0

世界鞘翅目昆虫智能分类系统(Beetle Intelligent Classification System)

拖拽图片进入本区域 或 点击下方按钮选择文件上传

Drag your image (JPEG file) into this region or
select and upload an image by clicking the buttons below

注:本系统涵盖了全世界179科(Bouchard et al., 2011)。目前为V1.0版,暂时只能针对甲虫背面观图片进行自动鉴定到科级阶元。涵盖其他阶元(如亚科、属级、种级等)、其他拍摄角度和不同地区的版本正在研发之中,稍后发布。

Note: This system (BICS) covers all 179 families of Coleoptera worldwide (Bouchard et al., 2011). In current V0.1 version, only the beetle images in dorsal view can be uploaded into the system for the family level auto-ID. New versions of BICS on the other categories of Coleoptera (e.g. subfamily, genus, species level), beetle images from other angles, and some local area versions are in the process of developing, which will be issued in updated versions afterward.

Contact: Ming BAI, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
电话Tel:+86 10 64807928